Hearth Home Happiness: An Introduction

I snuck half a piece of chocolate zucchini cake before sitting down to write. So. Good…

If my kids find out, there may be mutiny as I already told them they couldn’t have any more. I needed that little something before settling down in front of the computer.

The idea of blogging has been in my head for a long time. But with six children all under the age of eleven, I never seemed to find the time to do it.

Did I mention that I homeschool my children? Yeah, I’m busy.

The Purpose of This Blog

Since I’ve started preparing for this blog, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about why I want to do this.

I frankly wonder if anyone will ever read it.

Even so, I’ve pinpointed two goals with this blog.

1. To share some of my life’s story and goings on with you in the hope that you may find some help, inspiration, or even just entertainment from what you find here.
2. To hold myself more accountable to my goals and dreams and help you along with yours in the process.

I’m looking forward to this new adventure with you!

Who This Blog is For…

Honestly, I started this first and foremost for me.

Sorry if you feel betrayed.

It’s an accountability tool, as I mentioned, to be a better mother, teacher, and wife who is more happy with her circumstances as I tell you (vent, maybe?) about them.

So I’m writing not just for me, but for all women like me who have a deep desire to create.

  • To create a happier family.
  • To inspire more harmony in your home.
  • To thrive on being a mother who spends time creating with your kids.
  • To make time for your children so they’ll trust you enough to talk about their problems.
  • To improve your surroundings.
  • To shift yourself and your children away from the “me epidemic.”
  • To garden and beautify your yard and home.
  • To homeschool your children (watch out, I might just make a homeschool convert out of you.)
  • To stay healthy even if you don’t technically have time for it.
  • To continue educating yourself and improving yourself even if you’re not in school still and maybe you didn’t finish your degree because you started your family instead.
  • And to provide a more loving home environment by knowing how to get out together.

Now on to the obligatory introductions…

Hi, I’m Bram

Let me tell you a little about me, my family, my passions, and my goals.

My husband was born and raised in Jackson, Wyoming. We spent our early married years there.

We loved the area, but even after adding on to our small home, by the time child number five arrived, we realized that we would need to relocate for my sanity’s sake.

So many people crammed into such a small space 24/7 in an area with such long, cold winters was driving me crazy.

My husband, being the wonderful man that he is, got the ball rolling and we moved to Utah where we could afford a larger home for our still growing family.

So we’ve been here for almost 2 years and boy have we had some ups and downs! Not that life ever really seems to be without them, it’s just that life seems to go through cycles where they are more extreme than at other times.

But enough about problems for now.

My passions

Empower Your Home School

Stay at Home Health

Improve Your Habitat

Go Big with Family Travel

• Family
• The Gospel of Christ
• Hiking
• Mountain Biking
• Canyoneering
• Reading
• Learning
• Teaching
• Playing Piano
• Health
• Exercise
• Gardening
• Almost anything to do with houses

As you can see, I have a lot of passions in life. In fact, when I grow up I still can’t decide if I want to be a landscape architect, an ornamental horticulturist, an interior designer, a house architect, or an artist.

I went to three years of college for a Wildlife Science degree with minors in biology and music (I know – totally not on the career list) before I had my first child.

I made the decision to stay home with my children, and while I don’t regret the choice, I still dream of pursuing a degree at some point.

Aside from working on my family’s cattle ranch throughout my life, I’ve worked as a boy scout camp counselor, a waitress, a bank teller, as part of the National Park Service Wildlife and Resource Management crew, and as a lobby pianist in a well-known mountain lodge with incredible views.

But I currently have the most important job title of “Mom.”

And that’s the title that will bring you the most value in this blog.
